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Entities are the inhabitants that have been encountered in the world of Scorn. Each of these creatures have their own characteristics, behavior patterns and attitude towards the protagonist. They also react and adapt to some of the actions performed by the protagonist, alongside any changes that are brought to their environment.

List of entities


Humanoids are human-like sentient beings and the main population of the Surface. The 1st and 2nd unnamed protagonist are the only two known humanoid individuals. They are divided into two subspecies:

  • Genesis humanoids - Common subspecies born from the Genesis Wall.
  • Polis humanoids - Assumed to be the artificially-evolved humanoids.


Moldmen are short humanoid creatures, created to have their bodies used inside the Assembly factory.


Homunculi are fetus-adjacent creatures that are grown in special jars. Their bodies are used by the people of Polis to reach a higher state of conscious. They come with three types:

  • S-size - The smaller-sized variants and the only known type seen in Polis.
  • M-size - The medium-sized variants.
  • L-size - The large-sized variants and mostly take roles as leaders in war.


Shells are entities covered in shell-like armor and infested with organic matters. Their various body shape designs range from quadrupedal animals to humanoids, although only the armed shells are seen in Polis. They can be used in two optional ways: The shells can be remotely controlled telepathically or having the hosts' brains to implant the shells to transcend.

Crater creatures

Crater creatures are a kingdom of strange fauna species from the Crater.

  • Workers - Four-legged ant-like species that vomit large gushes of acid.
  • Chickens - Fowl-like species that spit out gore-like projectiles.
  • Brutes - Larger cow-like species that violently charge at anything they see.
  • Snails - Slug-like species that attach to ceilings and attack by swinging their trunk-like tail.
  • Floaters - Flying jellyfish-like species.
  • Carriage - A conjoined brute-like crater creature fused with few other species.
  • Crater queen - A massive immobile creature who endlessly gives birth to the crater creatures.

Tower creatures

The Tower creatures are the unseen class of malformed creatures composed out of vats. They were formed from the large unknown beast whose expanding size takes over its specific location.

Mechanical beings

  • Gas droids - Flying droids that shoot a misty substance. While these droids are not actively hostile, their misty substance are harmful in physical contact.
  • Fertilizer droids - Another droid variant only moved by control panels.
  • Cyborgs - Half-organic and half-machine entities that use body parts from the humanoids along with mechanical parts done by the homuniculi. They were conceived by the homuniculi as their war machines.
  • Surgeon - A multi-armed robot-like figure of Polis, designed to operate on the humanoids and transfer their consciousness to the shells.

Other inhabitants

  • Parasite - A parasitic creature that merge with hosts one by one to progress its metamorphosis.
  • Consciousness - The evolved stage of the humanoids' brains after they were discarded from their old bodies, and would later merge within the shells to transcend into their new forms. They represent the physical manifestation of consciousness.
  • Apparatus - A small round fleshy creature used as the protagonist's storage device.

