Crater Queen

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Crater Queen
The Crater Queen 01.png
Female (implied)

Crater Queen

The Crater Queen is an enormous creature encountered in Act IV of Scorn.


The Crater Queen sits atop an elevator. She has a humongous, pale, fleshy body that drapes over said elevator like a thick cloak. On her large, hunched back there are various open wounds/craters. Some creatures can be seen inside these craters.

She has a very thick, long neck and a massive head with large, sad eyes. Her mouth seems to be ruptured with only loose flaps of flesh remaining as she groans.

The Crater Queen has long, skeletal arms and hands that are immobile, except for some fidgeting with the fingers. She also seems to have stumpy legs, but these are equally non-functional.

Below her neck hangs a pair of breasts that close off a few entrances.


In order to progress, the Protagonist must extend four walkways that connect to the elevator the Crater Queen is perched on. Each time he does this, it tears large, gaping holes in her body, causing the Queen to wail in agony and flail her head and neck. This alerts nearby creatures to the Protagonist's presence. Whether this is deliberate by the Crater Queen or just the creatures reacting to the cries of their "mother" is unknown.

Eventually, the Protagonist is able to activate the elevator she is perched upon, tearing her apart. As he moves on to the next area, he is able to get a glimpse of the Crater Queen in the distance, partially crushed by the elevator, but still alive and moaning in pain as she weakly surveys what remains of her body.


  • Many gamers and viewers of the game say that the Crater Queen's design resembles that of the person who gets transformed into a jelly creature in the game "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream".
    • The Crater Queen also resembles one of Zdzisław Beksiński's paintings[1].
  • The creatures in her back are likely inspired by the Surinam Toad, a creature which hosts its young in its back.



Concept Art

